Distribute Hours


The Distribute Hours option is used to enter hours linked to the Service Management module.


To enter hours for equipment, the Return From a Service Call option must be used.

If non-transferred transactions of distribution of hours exist for a service call, it will be impossible to close the call in the Return From a Service Call option.



Hours entered in Distribute Hours will be visible after the transfer in Preparation only, not in the Return From a Service Call option.

The hours will be transferred to the project identified in Contract Management if the Hours Transferred to Payroll field in Configuration is set to Both or Return from visit.

The hours can be transferred to Hours or Hours – Invoicing according to the Destination of hours field in Configuration.






maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Processing > Distribute Hours


Creating an hour distribution

  1. Enter the required information in the Default Values tab:


The information will be transferred to the Breakdown grid automatically.




Period for which the distribution of hours is entered.


Employee for whom the distribution of hours is entered.

Call Number

Call number to which the distribution of hours applies.


Activity to which the expense is related.


Group to which the expense belongs.


Bonus to be paid to the employee.

  1. Breakdown tab:


Only fields that were not previously documented are included in this section.

It is possible to verify the source of an hourly rate line-by-line by clicking on the Show readings that determined this hourly rate icon. Refer to the appendix under the document Operation and configuration for payroll for additional information on the order in how hourly rates are read in maestro*.




Employee's name.


Company responsible for the expense. Available in multidimensional mode only.


Name of the location for the work if the site was modified in Contract Management. Otherwise, displays the customer’s name.


Work address.


Sector to which the call applies.

NOTE: The sector is from the project linked to Contract Management. If the sector is not specified in the project, maestro* displays the sector in Employee Management. If no sector is indicated in Employee Management, maestro* displays the CCQ sector in Configuration.


The employee’s trade code. By default, maestro* displays the trade code specified in the Trades and Unions tab in Employee Management, if applicable.

NOTE: In separate hours entry mode (Configuration icon), this column is only available if the hour type is set to Employee.

Years or Level

The employee’s years or level for the selected trade. By default, maestro* displays the number of years or level specified in Employee Management.


Default annex for the project. By default, maestro* displays the annex specified in Project Management. Otherwise, it uses the annex identified by default in Employee Management.


Region code for the employee. By default, maestro* displays the region code specified in Project Management. Otherwise, it uses the region provided by default in Employee Management.

Union Code

Union code used.

NOTES: If a union code is specified in Project Management in the Default Values by Trade tab, maestro* displays this union code. If no union code is specified for the project, maestro* uses the union mentioned in Define Regions. Otherwise, maestro* uses the union specified in the Trades and Unions tab in Employee Management or the default union code in Employee Management.

The union code is not mandatory.


Work shift.

NOTE: You can find the hourly rate associated with a shift if the hourly rates are entered by shift.

Hourly rate

Hourly rate used.

NOTE: The hourly rate is calculated based on Define Hourly Rate and maestro* reads from the most precise entry to the least precise to determine the hourly rate.

See Define Hourly Rates for the reading order for hourly rates.

Rate Type

Used to determine whether the hours entered are paid in regular, half or double time, bonus or banked hours.


Number of hours worked.

WO No.

Number of the work order where the work was performed.

NOTE: This field is provided for information purposes.

WC - CSST Activity

W/C - CSST activity.

NOTE: By default, maestro* displays the CSST activity code entered in Employees Management. However, if a CSST code is assigned to the project activity entered, it has priority.

PBB Activity

PBB Activity.

NOTES: In Québec, this activity applies only to electricians.

By default, maestro* displays the PBB activity code entered in Employee Management. However, if a PBB code is also assigned to the project activity entered, it has priority.


Hourly cost including fringe benefits.


Indicates maestro* whether the line is billable or not.

The first element used to determine the default value applied to this column is the configuration Hours Used for Billing, available in the Configuration of the Service Management module.

If the configuration of Hours Used for Billing is at Both or Return from visit:

The billing column is checked or not depending on the configuration of the Invoice field in Define Activities.

If the activity is configured as Never billable or as Always billable, maestro* applies these rules without regard as to the type of call.

If the item or activity is configured as Depending on the Type of Call, this indicates:

NOTE: However, this value can be changed manually for items that are billable or not billable.

In the case where the configuration of Hours Used for Billing is at Hour Entry or None:

It will be impossible to check the Billable column. All hours will be non-billable by default and maestro* will ignore the Define Activities configurations.

  • That the activity is automatically billable if the call type is service or installation.
  • That item is automatically non-billable if the call type is maintenance

Reading Used

Displays the source of the hourly rate used.

  1. Click Save.


Maestro* may refuse to save hours if the hour transfer method is set to 2 - Balanced and if the Close period for posting column in Set Pay Periods option is checked.

This setting lets the administrator prevent the entry of hours in a payroll period that has already been calculated. For more information, please refer to the procedure named Preventing the entry of hours in auxiliary for pay periods that have already been calculated.


See also


Last modification: February 21, 2025